In October in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness I will post a daily blog with a reflection about breast cancer. The reflections will stem from something in the play. (All quoted lines are text from the play.)
Day 29 What Love Really Means. I finally understood with just a few words from the psychiatrist I had not seen in maybe 15 years that The Actual Dance was going to be the ultimate consummation of our – Susan and my -- love. “His words have a dramatic effect on me.” Yes, the prospect of losing the love of your life is scary. “I … feared it as tragic and devastating.” Instead, with just two words -- “it’s beautiful” -- my heart and soul waken to what love really means. The privilege and honor of holding in my metaphorical arms the person whose essence and soul I share as they leave this world and do so sensing and knowing that they are loved. Earlier in the show I talk about how Susan and I met (noticing each other first in 1962) and in 1965 deciding to get married. “I wonder if two 20 year olds really understood what love meant,” is my line. On reflection of course the answer is no, they could not. It has taken me nearly 50 years to understand what love really means. It means knowing the “beauty and dignity” inherent in being with the person you love most in the world as they take their last breath. When circumstances do not allow us to be physically present at that time, when someone or something else takes that life away or we are far away, The Dance takes place in different ways and different forms. I do believe that the love inside of you not only goes with you, it also goes with the one we love.
Stat of the Day: Men get breast cancer too, but only 1% of breast cancer is in men. The rate has grown since 1975 from 1 per 100,000 to 1.2 per 100,000. Growth is attributed mainly to early detection.
Task of the Day: Say I love you to the person(s) you love most in the world at least three times today and every day: In the morning, in the evening and at bed time.
Resource of the Day: I found a song about “What Love Really Means” Check it out I enjoyed it and I think you will too.