His loss is tragic on so many levels. The duplicity with which the hunting team made him available for sport killing. The savagery with which he was killed and slaughtered. The antithesis of the dignity he exhibited. Perhaps it strips away a piece of all our dignity to compare the raw power and regality of this King of Beasts and the vision of his demise.

I fret over the process of loss. I cried when I held Gracie as she was put down to end her earthly suffering. Yet he shoots Cecil, skins and beheads him for “sport”?
Perhaps the good to be found in this incident is the worldwide outrage and the possibility that sport hunting will be reduced in some way. Perhaps then we can say maybe this too is for the best. That Cecil who was perhaps only a few years from a natural death will have sacrificed these few years to show the world the horrific and futile nature of “sport hunting.”