In a time of explicit death on our televisions and newspapers I want to talk about love. The Actual Dance is a play. “The actual dance” is a metaphor for the ultimate beauty and dignity when one has the opportunity to hold and hug the person they love most as they make a final and natural transition to end-of-life.
“I now understand that The Actual Dance will be the ultimate consummation of our love,” is the line in the play.
As tragic and sad it is to lose your lifetime love partner, there is a beauty and dignity associated with the opportunity to hold and ease that transition as imagined in The Actual Dance.
How opposite is the moment of watching someone you love murdered! It is horrific to imagine sitting next to someone as they are shot! Or watch a video as the police sit on top of your loved one and pull out guns and shoot. Or to know that your life-partner is on the street protecting the public as shots are being fired, and then the phone rings.
At this moment in time my hope is that those who are touched so intimately and personally can come to know this moment differently. No you did not get to hold your loved one in your arms and sweep across a cloud in beautiful waltz as you inhale their last exhale. They still exist though, inside you and inside your heart and they will forever.
I have written a short poem about this moment. I call it Bang! And as hopeful as I like to be in all I write and perform, I could not find a hopeful last line to this poem. Perhaps you can suggest one.
Our love so deeply entwined
We each are one another
An equal half of our whole
Then a giant hole explodes
And tears us two asunder
(c) 2016