In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month I post a blog each day with a reflection about breast cancer. The reflections all stem from something in the play.
Day 30: Living With Breast Cancer “Susan and I continue to live on different planes in the Universe. On her plane … everything is going to be just fine. On my plane, I am still standing in the center of a dance floor. And I wait and I listen. . . . I listen with my heart where my love sits for the ever so slight change in the balance of the Universe that means a new and different has been called to form. . . . Is that them playing? The Actual Dance
I have learned that Susan and I experience her year with Breast Cancer differently now 16 years later. This is not unusual. While Susan always tries to assure me that she does not have cancer, I always worry. Our different approach is best expressed in this video called “Our Story.” Check it out.
Task of the Day: Become Aware! As Breast Cancer Awareness Month comes to an end take a moment to be Aware: Aware of your own relationship with breast cancer. Aware of your and family and their relationship to breast cancer. Aware of the role of breast cancer in your community and in the world. Aware of what you can do for someone with breast cancer. Aware of the organizations that make a difference and support them. Aware – do a self-exam now weather a woman or a man.
Resource of the Day: Need some inspiration for the year ahead? Check out Healthline or American Cancer Society or Beliefnet
The Actual Dance: Performances. Donate.