My Gift to Susan
A Song – An Anthem
On August 23rd, 1966 Susan and I exchanged vows – promises to love and cherish each other for the rest of our lives. I have come to understand this journey and our relationship in a particular way – a way discovered through the writing and performance of The Actual Dance. The song started as a poem I wrote and presented to her as my gift 4 years ago.
Today I am honored to present to her the song.
Life exists within each of us -- a form of the Divine.
A tangible essence of who we are.
Love is when our essence became entwined.
Each an equal half of the other.
"I love you" simply awakens the US in you and me.
Music by Eli Zoller
Lyrics by Samuel A. Simon
Arrangement and Orchestration by Eli Zoller
Vocals by Lora Lee Gayer and Eli Zoller
Guitar by Eli Zoller
Violin by Justin Smith
Cello by Eric Cooper
Bass by Lloyd Kikoler
Recorded at John Kilgore Sound, July 13th 2016
Engineered by Jason Huibregtse
© Music Composition Eli Katz Zoller
© Lyrics US Samuel A Simon