In October in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness I will post a daily blog with a reflection about breast cancer. The reflections will stem from something in the play. (All quoted lines are text from the play.)
Day 30: Living With Breast Cancer: Susan’s diagnosis, surgery and chemotherapy occurred between April 2000 and May 2001. During that time her prognosis varied with differing and often inconsistent test results. Following the active treatment process, she was checked every three months for the first year, then every six months for five years and then annually for about another five years. About 5 years ago her oncologist released her as a patient. Susan has dedicated herself to her long term survival by living a healthy, fit lifestyle. She does a “spinning” class twice a week, works-out on weights another day, works with a trainer on yet another day and works-out on her own the two other days. Thursday is her day off. There are many markers of the wonder of Susan’s survival. The one I like the most – you ready – is the fact that Susan’s silicone breast implants had to be replaced. Why do I find that so delightful? No, not because the new ones feel better. (Susan reminds me often and still that “they” don’t feel at all to her.) I remember wondering during those early years when we bought something new, even a new car, if Susan would survive long enough to enjoy those new things. Now Susan has not only outlasted all those new things including the then new car, she has outlasted the new boobs they gave her that year!
Stat of the Day: Statistics used in these daily blogs have come from a variety of sources. Here are a couple of the better places for data. American Cancer Society National Cancer Institute SEER Center for Disease Control World Wide Breast Cancer Statistics
Task of the Day: Become Aware! As Breast Cancer Awareness Month comes to an end take a moment to be Aware: Aware of your own relationship with breast cancer. Aware of the role of breast cancer in your community and in the world. Aware of what you can do for someone with breast cancer. Aware of the organizations that make a difference and support them. Aware – do a self-exam now if you have not yet done one recently.
Resource of the Day: Here are some places to find what other people have said about Breast Cancer Brainy Quotes Breast Cancer Quotes 11 Inspirational Breast Cancer Quotes Inspirational Quotes from Belief Net