Chuk is a young, talented actor. He is more agile and physical than I am. He can both carry a tune, and dance to a beat. God given traits that were not among those that I was blessed with. I have other, different ones. He told the story both so differently and so much the same. The ideas just dressed us differently, the same ideas though. The same emotions yet coming from a different place.
Chuk has written a blog about his experience and his insights. He notices a couple of the "slight" differences in our back grounds. He then explains why he thinks this "works" -- "because love is a universal experience." Please do him the honor of reading his words by clicking here.
He received a standing ovation at the end of his performance and those who attended wanted to know when his next performance was because so many in the audience knew someone else who "needed to see the show" as performed by Chuk. So if you are in New York or know people New York, the next performance is July 12th at 7:00 p.m. A complimentary performance. RSVP here.