In October in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness I will post a daily blog with a reflection about breast cancer. The reflections will stem from something in the play.
Day 1: I did not have breast cancer. My relationship to breast cancer is based on the impact that breast cancer has had on our family. Susan’s mother and my mother both died from metastatic breast cancer. My sister is a survivor. Susan’s sister-in-law is a survivor. The Actual Dance tells a story of MY journey in response to Susan’s diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer in 2000. Given the history you now have of my mother and Susan’s mother. What do you think my reaction was to Susan's diagnosis? If you have seen the show you know.
Stat of the Day: Number of new cases in 2010 among women: 206,966. In 2011 230,480. In 2013: 230,480.
Task of the Day (for men and women): To be aware is to be conscious of something. That means think about it.
Resource of the Day: Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. A wonderful non-profit in the heart of downtown Washington that supports all cancer patients including Breast Cancer patients and their families.