“How did your physical go today?” I asked. “Everything is fine, Sam.” Pause. “Oh, the doctor wants me to see a breast surgeon check out something she felt in my right breast.” And she points to the area almost under her armpit. “She doesn’t think it is anything, and it just felt funny to her. It might just be old scar tissue from the last biopsy.”
And so, the story that changed my life began. Some who read this may be aware of this story and have even seen The Actual Dance, the play about that journey.
Imagine, though, having gone from a “minor-celebrity,” as my son once said of me, to be this older artist peddling his ware of theatre, music, and soon-to-be book focused on that period of my life.
Of course, it isn’t just my story – how could it be? It isn’t me who had breast cancer that everyone in the medical community, at one point, thought was terminal. Periodically I think I’m being a bit Chutzpadik – a bit arrogant and self-centered – having focused much of what will be the last quarter of my life on the story of what I call the “LovePartner” –the journey of having faced the loss of the person I love most in the world to cancer. Anticipating having to hold her person in my arms as I thought she would be taking her last breath.
I have learned a lot on this journey. The most important is that I am not alone. The second most important is what it means to love someone.
There are millions of people who have and are on this journey. And during these last two years, millions of more people have lost a loved one to the Covid Pandemic.
It took me about a decade to be brave enough to talk about what had happened to me – inside of me. I was able to do it through theater, acting, and even music. (I’m tone-deaf, but more about that later in the month.) And ultimately storytelling. Telling and sharing a transformational journey that changed me – forever: To see the world differently, to love and be loved differently.
I am excited to announce the upcoming publication of the book of this journey.
“The Actual Dance. Love’s Ultimate Journey Through Breast Cancer.” It will be out early next month.
I invite you to join me on this next stage of this journey. Please siGN up for our book mailing list, and be among the first to get the details of the publication, availability, and author talks. Stay tuned for more announcements and ways to engage with me and others who have traveled this road. Sign up here: